Monday 5 March 2007

Kill it, Cook it, Eat it

I have had a message asking to write about this program in my blog. It is on at 10.30 for the next 3 nights on BBC3. I will certainly do my best to write about it on here and would be interested in any feedback anyone has about the program. Also I would be grateful if you could fill in anything I miss out!

Tonights program review on the BBC website says this:

Series presented by Richard Johnson which follows the journey of farm animals from the pasture to the plate. In a specially constructed studio built around a working abattoir, guests watch as the animals are brought in for killing. The animals are then cooked and eaten in the studio by the audience. In the first programme, three beef cattle are brought in for slaughter from a local farm. With scenes which some may find upsetting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm glad it was brought to our attention about the kill it, cook it, eat it programme.

There was a programme on the tv this week, showing undercover filmage of poultry. The conditions they were kept in, plus the "care" that they got from the staff was shown.

Then people around a table were given the option of whether they wanted to eat the meat, from the poultry that they had seen.